Delegation of Authority Policy

Delegation of Authority Policy


A Delegation of Authority Policy is a document which allows Practice Owners to delegate certain tasks in their practice to different positions within their Clinic. It’s likely that the Practice Owners will delegate certain tasks to one named position, such as a Practice Manager.

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The Delegation of Authority Policy provides guidance on common delegations to a Practice Manager and other positions within the Clinic so that the accountability for actions within the business are shared. The Policy is not exhaustive and are for guidance, with each Clinic having the opportunity to personalise the Policy based on its operations.

Once you Purchase the Policy:

  1. We will schedule a planning meeting with you over the telephone or on Zoom. During this meeting, we will discuss your specific policy needs and identify any areas of concern that should be addressed in the Policy (up to 30 minutes in duration).

  2. We will then prepare the first draft of the Policy based on your instructions;

  3. We will provide the draft Policy to you by email;

  4. You are welcome to either talk to us on the telephone or via Zoom regarding your comments and questions about the draft Policy;

  5. We will then finalise the Policy (if any changes are required and if instructions are received within 30 days of us sending you the first draft); and

  6. You have a new asset to use in your Practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are considering engaging You Legal to prepare a Delegation of Authority Policy, here’s what you need to know:

What is Included in the Document?

A Delegation of Authority Policy outlines the rules and procedures for delegating decision-making authority from one person or position to another within an organisation. The specific contents of the policy may vary depending on the organisation’s size, structure, and type of activities, but would typically include the responsibilities of both the delegator and delegate, and the purpose, scope and procedures of delegation.

Why should I have a Delegation of Authority Policy?

A Delegation of Authority Policy will assist in increasing efficiency and employee engagement, improving decision making and promoting accountability in your practice.

Who is this Document Intended for?

The Delegation of Authority Policy is intended for organisations of any size and structure that want to define a clear process for delegating decision-making authority from one person or position to another. The policy is typically used by senior leaders (i.e. practice owners) who are responsible for delegating authority within their organisation. The policy is particularly important for organisations that operate in complex and dynamic environments, where decisions must be made quickly and effectively and where it is essential to distribute decision-making authority to those with the appropriate knowledge and expertise.

How could this Document Benefit me as a Practice Owner?

As a practice owner, a well-implemented Delegation of Authority Policy can optimise your practice’s performance, foster a positive and productive work environment, and support the long-term success of your business.  It could be used, for example, to consider delegation of authority to a named position (e.g. a Practice Manger). It provides guidance on common delegations to a Practice Manager and other positions within the clinic so that the accountability for actions within the business are shared.

Can I Customise the Document to Suit my Needs?

Yes, the Delegation of Authority Policy can and should be customised to suit the specific needs and requirements of your organisation. The policy should reflect your organisation’s size, structure, and activities, as well as its goals and objectives. By customising the policy to suit your organisation’s needs, you can ensure that it is practical, effective, and relevant to your organisation’s specific context.

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