Contract Management Best Practices

Companies derive plenty of benefits from applying the best practices in contractor workforce programs. These benefits include improved flexibility, more access to specialist skills, enhanced productivity, reduced headcount and low talent costs. No business can enjoy these advantages without integrating best practices into its programs. Contract management is all about engaging the dependent workforce. Also, it’s worth pointing out that hiring a contingent workforce whenever the need arises depends on your ability to manage your contracts better. The pool of workers that you can hire and manage using this system includes the following:

  1. Freelancers

  2. Independent contractors

  3. Independent consultants

Contract management is not the same across the board. All businesses have developed different ways of managing contracts with their contingent workforce. In some organizations, the actual management may seem a bit disjointed. In other organizations, especially the ones that display proper innovation, the management is more cohesive. The main purpose of contract management is to create the right balance between:

  • Mitigating risk

  • Meeting a company’s commercial objectives

  • Streamlining contracting function to create more efficient processes

So, how do you take contract management to the next level?

Identify and Use the Pre-Agreed Templates

First, you achieve this by using contract templates that you already agreed upon. Also, using simple language in the contracts helps greatly. The language and template used should display nothing except professionalism and an eye for quality. Without these, you will have a harder time trying to attract more talented workforce to your company. 

Reassess Values to Improve Efficiency

If you study contract management closely, you will realize that it seeks to promote efficiency within the organization. Proper management that produces the desired results only works better when the entire system operates like well-oiled machines. For this to happen on a consistent basis, you have to embrace a culture of reassessing clauses and important points regularly.

Assign Work to Right Personnel to Avoid Wasting Money

Proper contract management has financial rewards too. It helps to reduce the financial burden that often causes businesses to collapse. Contractor workforce can be quite costly and blow your financial reserves. One way of reducing this burden is by routing all contract work to the right people. Assign the work to the right person to avoid wasting money.

Use a Maturity Model to Reduce Risk

Risk mitigation is a crucial component in any contractor management program. The contingent workforce can be a huge risk to your business if it’s not managed well. Some of these risks include lack of adherence to compliance issues, increased data vulnerability, and misclassifying contractor status. Use a Contractor Management Maturity Model to mitigate risk.

What do I do now?

Contact us if you would like to have more information on contract management. Our lawyers at You Legal will be happy to assist you in whatever way we can.

* This blog is for general guidance only. Legal advice should be sought before taking action in relation to any specific issues.