Engaging Doctors: - as independent contractors or employees?
When most traditional businesses are considering bringing someone new into their practice, a lot of the focus is channelled towards what will reap the most benefit, and minimise the most risk. One important element to consider is whether to engage a contractor or hire an employee.
Whilst this decision may be simple for some businesses, it can be a bit more complex within the medical industry because as you may know, most doctors wish to work as independent contractors within a practice. For practice owners, the question of ‘Should we hire doctors as independent contractors or as employees?’ is not as straightforward as you might hope.
Doctors often like to be engaged as independent contractors because it is often perceived as being the more ‘flexible’ choice. There is also a belief that they will be paid more as an independent contractor.
However, in the eyes of the law, a contracted doctor may, in some circumstances, be deemed as an employee. This can become highly problematic for you as the practice owner, but it will be highly fact dependent and will be determined based on a multitude of indicators.
In this article we explore how an independent contractor and employee is differentiated, what the different indicators are that help you to determine the employment status of doctors working within your practice, and we look at how you can minimise the risk to your medical practice.
Engaging Doctors as Independent Contractors or Employees?
Typically, when a doctor is hired as an independent contractor, they are, in effect, running their own business with an ABN and all of the obligations that go along with business ownership. That is, they will be responsible for their own tax and generally, their own superannuation too. Whereas, if they are deemed to be an employee, the practice is responsible for paying the doctor’s superannuation, payroll tax and any leave entitlements.
The main risk for medical practices is that it is not actually you as the practice owner, or the doctor you are bringing on board, that makes the decision as to the terms of employment, even if you have a Contractor’s Agreement in place. It is the law that decides if someone is a contractor or an employee.
Unfortunately, I have seen cases where, for example, a contracting doctor chose to leave a practice, and it transpired that they should have been classified as an employee. As a result, upon exiting, the practice owners were left with hefty tax bills for unpaid payroll tax, superannuation and leave entitlements to cover.
For this reason alone, it is a worthwhile exercise to make sure you know what is involved in determining whether your contracted doctors would be classified as employees and ensure everything is set up correctly from the start, in accordance with the law.
What to consider – the changes from 26 August 2024
Following recent amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009, for ‘constitutionally covered businesses’, this determination is now made by considering ‘the whole of the relationship’, as reflected in the terms of the contract and additionally, how the contract is performed in practice.
This new test differs from the previous test, which placed focus on the terms agreed in the contract.
In practical terms, this means that even if the agreement terms clearly indicate the relationship is one of principal and independent contractor, they could still be considered an ‘employee’ based on how the contract is performed in practice. Therefore, if contractors challenge their engagement status, they could be successful in seeking employment-related benefits (such as unpaid leave entitlements or superannuation).
Determining whether a worker is a contractor or an employee in practice and in the contract, depends on a number of indicators including, but not limited to;
• Control and independence over worked performed
• Who supplies the equipment
• Worker’s ability to delegate/subcontract work
• Payment of tax
• Risk
Indicators of when Doctors are not Independent Contractors by law
The most important part of making sure you are on the right side of the law is understanding the indicators that help determine whether a contractor or employee relationship exists. We cannot call them rules specifically, as each indicator alone will not determine whether a relationship is that of a contractor or an employee.
Independent contractors have control over how many hours and what hours they work. If you dictate to your contractor when, where and how they perform their work, you may in fact be positioning yourself as an employer.
We understand this creates some difficulties for practice managers who need to ensure that there are medical practitioners available consistently within the practice to see patients. However, let’s say, for example, you engage a medical practitioner to work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. That is not necessarily taking away their control and independence, particularly if we consider that these hours were likely negotiated with the practitioner during the hiring and contracting stage.
If, however, you have engaged the practitioner on these terms, and then you make additional demands or requirements such as, they must arrive 15 minutes before their shift for a team meeting, or they must be available on call after hours, this is moving into an employer/employee relationship. Other examples of this include, expectations that they schedule at least x number of patients per day, or they must not take more than 2 x 15-minute breaks in between scheduled appointments. You can start to see how this quickly starts to include more control than a true independent contractor relationship.
Contractors must provide their own equipment. In some circumstances, such as where that equipment is expensive or specialised medical equipment, it may be necessary to share resources, so your contractors use this to undertake the work required.
As a general rule however, it is important that contractors are responsible for providing their own tools, including laptops, their own “doctor’s bag” and other medical equipment required by them to complete tasks for patients.
The ability of your contractor to subcontract or delegate their work under the contract is an indicator of whether they are independent or are an employee.
This is another challenging indicator for practice managers and owners, and it is not difficult to see why. You invest time in ensuring you engage the right practitioner for your practice, someone with the right experience and skills, and you don’t particularly want that person to delegate their role under the contract to one of their employees or a different independent contractor. Particularly where you cannot determine whether that practitioner possesses the experience or skills you might expect.
However, it is important to remember that this right to delegate (in the contract and in practice) is a hallmark of a contractor relationship.
Another one of the reasons contracting is such a tricky area for medical practices is that traditionally, it is expected that a contractor will set their own fees and be paid for their results as set out in the contract. Contractors are also responsible for their own tax obligations and do not receive sick leave or other leave payments.
There are many ways in which the payments can be structured that we have seen in our experience, for example from patients paying the practitioner directly, practice managers paying per hour or day, per patient seen, the rebate less the rental of the consulting rooms, or the rebate less a service fee.
Each of these structures presents varying levels of risk. However, a payment that is calculated on time given by the practitioner is more likely than not to be an indicator of an employment arrangement. On the other end of the spectrum, an arrangement in which the full Medicare rebate is remitted to the practitioner and the practitioner pays the practice a separate service fee, is more likely to indicate the presence of a contracting arrangement.
It is again important to remember, even if you structure the payments as a service fee, if the practitioner has no control over their work, uses only the facilities of the practice and is not able to delegate, it will still suggest the presence of an employment relationship.
The final indicator is risk. It is said that the risk runs with control of the contract. Meaning, when you transfer independence and control to a medical practitioner, you are also transferring the risk.
All self-employed practitioners must hold their own professional indemnity insurance, however caution should still be exercised. Where a contractor’s agreement assigns risk to the practice for work performed by a contractor, it may indicate an employer/employee relationship. If your contractor is a medical practitioner, your contract should contain a warranty that the independent practitioner will always hold sufficient and valid professional indemnity insurance.
Which laws relate to whether doctors are seen as employees or independent contractors?
Alongside the common law, the main piece of legislation is the Fair Work Act, as this governs Australian workplaces. It is the foundation for all standards and regulations for employment, so every employer should be familiar with it.
Nestled under the Fair Work Act, are the relevant Awards. The Awards set out the specific minimum wages and working conditions per profession.
There is an Award for certain GP’s (e.g. that work in hospitals), as well as one that covers some allied health professionals. These Awards detail entitlements such as how many breaks an employee should be provided with, what overtime hours are, details about allowances for travel, training or uniforms etc.
Also as an employer, you need to be familiar with any ATO obligations such as income tax, and Pay As You Go Withholding Tax. This is where medical practices run into difficulties. This is because the ATO has been given broad powers to audit and recover tax, and they have the authority to make a determination about whether your contractors are, in fact, employees for tax purposes. Calling someone a contractor means very little to the ATO, because if the ATO views the relationship of a doctor to your medical practice as an employee relationship, they will very likely enact their powers to recover that tax.
The other piece of relevant legislation is included in the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 and governs your medical practices’ obligations to pay superannuation. It is important for you to know that engaging a contractor does not automatically relieve you of the obligation to pay superannuation. Under the Superannuation Guarantee scheme, if you pay a contractor mainly for their labour, you may be required to pay superannuation.
Sometimes contractor relationships are used by employers to avoid their obligations. If the Fair Work Ombudsman finds that you are intentionally avoiding your obligations by directing employees to undertake work as contractors, you can be fined up to $93,000 per contract (for businesses with fewer than 15 employees, $469,500 for businesses with more than 15 employees).
How to minimise risk to your medical practice
The indicators above illustrate the complexity of this area for medical practices. It is wise to leverage the expertise of someone with significant experience in this space to help you ensure you are acting within the parameters of the law. We suggest a specialist in health and medical law be engaged.
As specialist lawyers for medical professionals, we can help you to get the structure of your contracts right or review what you already have in place. This alone is not enough, however and must be considered alongside practical aspects of engagement.
If you are considering bringing in a new doctor to your practice, start the relationship between your practice and the doctor off on the right foot by aligning expectations, reducing the risk of future conflict and ensuring everyone is aware of the rights and obligations of each party.
Related: Thinking of bringing in a Partner to your medical practice? 5 elements to consider
To have our team review any Contractor’s Agreements you have in place, click here. If you would like to have our team undertake an Annual Review Audit, not just of your contracts, but to minimise risk across all areas of your business, fill out our contact form here and we will be in touch.