Introducing Gumption Trigger

How do we recover from an epic hit to our career or personal life? We pull our 'Gumption Trigger'. Read the stories of 14 women who each share a story of embracing vulnerability and navigating unexpected upheaval in this new and compelling book. Real stories of grit and determination by real businesswomen, entrepreneurs and innovators. Curated by Dr Catherine Ball. Learn more about it here.

See below for complete transcript of this episode -

Welcome to a special edition of You Legal TV.

Have you ever found yourself in the throes of an impossible challenge and wondered how you could ever overcome it? The beauty of it is: we all have. Despite the huge diversity of human life, we have in common our ability to pick ourselves up after a low point. Even when we think we've reached our limit. Even when life seems to be too difficult, too overwhelming. That's gumption. We all have it, and sometimes we forget.

New book, 'Gumption Trigger' provides stories of innovators, entrepreneurs, and disruptors who emerged from hard times even stronger and more determined, reading it we are reminded of where we can find our gumption again.

What Should I Do Next?

Contact us if you would like to buy the book Gumption Trigger.

* This blog is for general guidance only. Legal advice should be sought before taking action in relation to any specific issues.