Marketing Advice for Practitioner Services Agreements

Marketing Advice for Practitioner Services Agreements


Since the Thomas and Naaz case, Practice Managers, understandably, want to minimise their risk of being exposed to a large payroll tax bill (amongst other risks). The way that doctors are held out to the public and positioned (marketed) may impact a Practice’s payroll tax liability. So, how should a practice go about this in their marketing activities with respect to their doctors? For example, how should a practice market its doctors, if at all, on its website or business cards?

Our You Legal Marketing Advice for Practitioner Services Agreements takes recent case law and legislation, and a practice’s current contract arrangements, into account to provide your Practice with individualised legal advice for your Practice regarding the steps you should and should not take to protect the practice against legal and regulatory risk when ‘marketing’ doctors.

Note: Price does not include GST


Additional Details

Once you Purchase this Advice:

  1. We take your instructions by email or over the telephone in relation to how your practice engages with medical doctors;

  2. We prepare and send you our legal advice regarding marketing for your medical practice; and

  3. We have a 30-minute call with you to answer any questions in relation to the advice (either via one telephone call or one email) within 30 days of you receiving the advice.

Have a question?


You can reach us at:

Phone 1300 870 661



Please be aware that our Standard Terms apply to this engagement: